Thursday, May 5, 2016

Golden Port Dim Sum/House of Sushi


Turn Ons:
Scallion Pancake

Turn Offs:
Steep Price
Seeming lack of sushi serving knowledge

So, we're not actually sure if we were eating at Golden Port Dim Sum or House of Sushi because they use the same entrance.  I believe they have the same owner(s)?  So maybe it doesn't matter.  Our intention was to eat at House of Sushi, but I'm not sure if that is what ultimately happened.  It was quite confusing.

The ambiance wasn't bad.  We were seated quickly and given one paper menu for the two of us.  We had to ask for the sushi menu (and received one), which was irritating and didn't make much sense to us.  We shouldn't have to ask for a sushi menu at a sushi place.  We should also get two of each menu, so we can both look at the same time.  We received our water and our server took our drink order. They had a decent beer that we both ordered.  Nothing to write home about, but they have it if you only drink beer.

Everything came in a timely manner.  The apps were good, especially the scallion pancakes.  I could eat those all day.  The sushi was OK.  We had to ask for a dish for the soy sauce.  Once again; if you're a sushi place, you ought to know better.  The traditional sushi was "meh".  The Spider Roles were pretty darn good, but they were HUGE!  It wasn't really practical to try to cram one of those in your mouth.  Unless I'm mistaken, that's how sushi is supposed to work...  Plus the Spider Rolls were more apt to fall apart while being picked up with chop sticks.  And we're no rookies with chop sticks. But they were good.  I'd say they were in the top half of the spider roll tasty scale.  But again; nothing to write home about.

Almost everything about Golden Port Dim Sum/House of Sushi was mediocre.  For everything that was above average, there were two things below average.  Unfortunately, one of the things that was above average was the bill. Geesh.

We were kind of feeling like we could take-it-or-leave-it.  We could come back, but we wouldn't go out of our way.  But once we received our bloated bill, we took them off of our "Coming back again" list.  If we go on a double-date in the future and the other couple insists on coming here, we'll act like we're happy to go, and we'll probably have a lovely time due to our company.  But, I know I'll be ordering the cheapest items on the menu.  It just isn't worth it.  I'll take a green tea, scallion pancakes, and a few California rolls.

If you want mediocre sushi and Asian food, there are far less-expensive places to go in Rochester.  If you want to spend more money, there is far better quality and service in Rochester.

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